3rd International Symposium on
Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications


University of Lugano
Lugano, Switzerland
14-17 July 2003


Jose Rocha, Fabio Cozman

Inference in Credal Networks with Branch-and-Bound Algorithms


A credal network associates sets of probability distributions with directed acyclic graphs. Under strong independence assumptions, inference with credal networks is equivalent to a signomial program under linear constraints, a problem that is NP-hard even for categorical variables and polytree models. We describe an approach for inference with polytrees that is based on branch-and-bound optimization/search algorithms. We use bounds generated by Tessem's A/R algorithm, and consider various branch-and-bound schemes.

Keywords. Credal networks, strong independence,probability intervals, inference, branch-and-bound algorithms

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Authors addresses:

Jose Rocha
Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa
Praça Santos Andrade s/n
Departamento de Informatica
Ponta Grossa - PR

Fabio Cozman
Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 2231
Cidade Univesitaria, CEP 05508-900
Sao Paulo, SP - BRAZIL

E-mail addresses:

Jose Rocha jrocha@uepg.br
Fabio Cozman fgcozman@usp.br

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